Notice of Intent to Convey Real Estate

The Town of Sheldon Selectboard has proposed to convey a historic preservation easement on the "H. H. Mower General Store" building located at 200 Bridge St in Sheldon, Vermont (otherwise known as the Sheldon Historical Museum) for a limited period of five years to the Preservation Trust of Vermont, Inc. a Vermont nonprofit corporation with an address of 90 Main Street, Montpelier, VT, and their successors and assigns. This preservation easement is granted as a condition of eligibility for financial assistance from the National Park Service of the United States Department of the Interior appropriated from the Historic Preservation Fund for the Paul Bruhn Historic Revitalization Program Grant.

If, within 30 days of the date of posting and publication of this notice, a petition objecting to the proposed conveyance is presented to the Town Cerk which signed by five percent of the legal voters of the Town, the Selectboard shall place the question of whether the Town shall convey the real estate before the voters at a special or annual Town meeting.

View the full text of the notice in the linked document below.

For more information, please contact the Town Administrator