Town of Sheldon Planning Commission


The Planning Commission collaborates with residents, community partners, and other municipal, regional, and state agencies to create plans that assess community needs and guide future investment and policy. The commission is made up of five members appointed by the Selectboard and works closely with the Zoning Administrator and regional planning staff.

Powers & Duties

The powers and duties of the Planning Commission are set forth in 24 V.S.A. § 4325; and section 9.1 of the Sheldon Land Use and Development Regulations.

Development Review

The Planning Commission is an important player in the development review process defined in the Sheldon Land Use and Development Regulations. The commission has the duty to consider and act on applications for site plan approval, subdivision approval, access by right-of-way, and planned unit development.

Town Plans

A chief task of the Planning Commission is the regular process of revising the Town Plan. The Town Plan is a comprehensive document that lays out the Town's assets, needs, goals, and aspirations. The Plan is implemented through the Sheldon Land Use and Development Regulations, which guide the Zoning Administrator and Development Review Board in assessing and adjudicating applications for development projects.

The current version of the Sheldon Town Plan was adopted in 2016. It is currently being revised for re-adoption later this year (2024).

Local Emergency Management Plan (LEMP)

Municipalities review and update their emergency plans annually and readopt them between Town Meeting and May 1 every year. A current LEMP is required for municipalities to receive federal preparedness funds and increased state reimbursement through the Emergency Relief and Assistance Fund.

The current version of the Sheldon Local Emergency Management Plan was re-adopted on May 28, 2024.

Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP)

The town is currently working on a grant-funded project to create a Local Hazard Mitigation Plan in consultation with Seam Solutions, Inc.


The Planning Commission meets regularly on the first Tuesday of each month

To submit business to the selectboard's agenda, please contact the Zoning Administrator


Upcoming and Recent Meetings

The next upcoming meeting and all meetings held in the last 60 days are listed below.