Town of Sheldon Selectboard


The Town of Sheldon Selectboard is composed of five elected members responsible for the "general supervision of the affairs of the town." Three members are elected for three-year terms and two members are elected for two-year terms, on a staggered basis.

Powers of the selectboard include:

  • legislative powers - writing and adopting local laws such as ordinances and bylaws;
  • executive powers - adopting policies which guide the course of municipal affairs and the conduct of municipal actors;
  • judicial powers - conducting hearings on road classification, vicious dogs, tax assessment appeals, and requests for tax abatement.

Responsibilities of the board include:

  • drafting and reviewing the annual budget and setting the tax rate;
  • issuing orders to direct payments from the town treasury;
  • appointing members to the planning commission and development review board;
  • filling vacancies in most municipal boards and offices;
  • managing personnel including the Town Administrator, department heads and staff;
  • appointing an Assessor to maintain the grand list, and ensuring a reappraisal is done when required;
  • ensuring that an annual audit is conducted, and a report disseminated to voters prior to town meeting
  • maintaining town highways, water and sewer systems, forests, and other municipal property;
  • creating local laws and policies regarding public safety, emergency management, and animal control;
  • adopting a town plan and development regulations; appointing a Zoning Administrator;
  • working with the Town Administrator, Town Clerk and department heads to manage town affairs.

The Selectboard meets regularly on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month

To submit business to the selectboard's agenda, please contact the Town Administrator


Upcoming and Recent Meetings

The next upcoming meeting and all meetings held in the last 60 days are listed below.

Archived Selectboard Meeting Agendas & Minutes Link to archived Selectboard meeting documents since 2020
Northwest Access TV: Sheldon Selectboard playlist A playlist of all Sheldon Selectboard meetings recorded by Northwest Access TV since 2020

Selectboard Meeting

The Selectboard will hold its second regular meeting for the month of September. The public is encouraged to attend.

Public Hearing before Selectboard - Vicious Dog/Public Nuisance Complaint

The Selectboard of the Town of Sheldon, Vermont, heldd a Public Hearing pursuant to 20 V.S.A. § 3546 on

Tuesday, August 20, 2024 at 7:30pm at the Town Offices, 1640 Main Street in Sheldon, Vermont

to hear evidence and receive testimony on a complaint of a "vicious dog" concerning a dog owned by Matthew Emch presently residing at 3155 Kittel Road in Sheldon, Vermont.