Sheldon Municipal Library Board of Trustees


The Sheldon Municipal Library was incorporated in 1903 as a condition of a bequest made by Jonathan and Deborah Northrop. Since that time, an elected board of five library trustees has overseen the management of the library.

Responsibilities of the Board of Trustees include:

  • enacting, reviewing and updating library bylaws;
  • creating, reviewing, and updating library policies;
  • crafting strategic and long-range planning;
  • hiring & supervising the library director;
  • establishing the library budget and requesting municipal funds
  • receiving, controlling and managing property which shall come into the hands of the municipality by gift, purchase, devise or bequest for the use and benefit of the library.
  • good stewardship of the library building and grounds
  • meeting regularly and effectively
  • being a champion for the library
  • ensuring compliance with funding and grant terms

 The Board of Trustees meet every other month.

To add business to the Board of Trustees agenda, please contact the Librarian

Recent and Upcoming Meetings

The next upcoming meeting and all meetings held in the last 60 days are listed below.