
Zoning Permit Fee Schedule

Duplex and/or Condominium - $110
Commercial Buildings - $250
New Homes, Garages, Sheds, Deck, MH replacement or Addition - $60
Agricultural Structures, Sugarhouses - $10
(Must meet accepted Agricultural practices)
"After The Fact Fine"
Work without a permit - $500
Zoning Violation - $100 per day
Development Review Board (DRB)
Subdivisions, Site Plans, Access by ROW, Variance, Conditional Use, Appeals
1st Meeting (Sketch-Free)
$250 each Subsequent Meeting
Town Road Access (road cut) - $35
Demolition Permit - $35
Mylar Recording - $15
There is a $15 recording fee for ALL permits. This fee IS included in the permit pricing.
Fees become Effective May, 2006. 
Fees were adopted September 4, 2007 by the Sheldon Select Board. 
Revisions made on April 1, 2012. 
The Impact fee has been rescinded as of April 1, 2012 until further notice.